Våler school and activity house
The aim of the project is to bring Våler town even closer to nature, especially Glomma river, and to create a place, where everyone is welcome. Residents of all ages will meet and interact daily throughout educational, cultural and sports activities. The new building is attached to the existing school in a smooth way and opens up towards the town. Different functions are organised in a way, that suits for sharing as well as independent use. The project connects with the surroundings through the green outdoor space, that can be used both by school and the residents. In this way a new public 'living room' is created in Våler.
Educational, cultural
The new building is attached to the existing school and opens up towards the town.
1. City living room 2. Connection through the landscape
3. Connectivity of functions 4. Suitability for sharing as well as independent use
The project connects to the local context in several ways: the sloped roofs relate to the neighbour buildings, whereas soft edges suit the park-like setting.
1. Merging with the town through the landscape 2. Daylight and views
3. Relating to the local character 4. Principal organisation of one school-unit
Site plan
Common school-unit space is formed as a spacious, light room with a strong relation to the green outdoor area.